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Your rights and responsibilities

Although we always do our best to offer you an appointment with the doctor or nurse of your choice at a time that is suitable, please realise that sometimes our appointments are limited. To help us with availability please remember to cancel your appointment if it is no longer required. This will then give us extra capacity to offer to others.

Patients who frequently fail to attend will receive a letter from the practice and may be removed if they continue to waste valuable appointment time.

As a patient you have the right to

  • See a doctor of your choice at the practice (but please remember that you may have to see any of the doctors if your need is urgent)
  • Receive emergency care
  • Receive appropriate drugs and medicines
  • Be referred for specialist or second opinion if they and GP agrees
  • See your medical records or a copy, subject to certain laws
  • Know that by law, everyone working for the NHS must keep the contents of your medical records private

With these rights come responsibilities for the public. That means being

  • Courteous to staff at all times
  • As prompt as possible for all appointments
  • Responsible for cancelling appointments in adequate time